Norco expands Range Rules to Prohibit Use of Drugs

Norco leadership has expanded the range rules to prohibit the use of drugs, be it recreational or prescribed, along with Norco’s no alcohol policies. Commonsense safety for the shooter, fellow shooters, and bystanders is – do not be impaired when shooting.  As Massachusetts residents, we are aware that in the near future, recreational use of marijuana will be permitted, where it will be permitted. Norco is being proactive to update its range policies that drugs, in addition to alcohol, will not be permitted (regardless of it being recreational or medically prescribed) at its Rifle Range, Pistol Range, and or Trap& Skeet Range.  Norco is aware that many sportsman’s clubs and ranges across the state are updating their policies as well.

Any questions or concerns can be directed to Jaye at 

If you observe or are aware of any member not following the rules, please notify Jaye asap.

The updated range policies posted on the can be found here,