Email or txt msg 508-631-8883
Events and clubhouse programs:
- Volunteer to help cook, serve on member meeting nights, 2nd Thursday of every month, 2PM-7.30PM
- Norco Christmas party, solicit business donations for youth fundraiser raffle , now until Dec 14th
- Help with meal programs for special events:
Oct 18th, Norco hosted WCL dinner for 50 peopleOct 19th-Nov 23rd , Saturday Pheasant Hunting Program, 6:00AM-8AM- Dec 15th Norco potluck Christmas Party room setup, service, cleanup, 10am-5pm
- Join a committee for their work parties and activities : trap & skeet, archery, rifle & pistol, kitchen
- Become a Norco volunteer bar tender, Thursdays 6PM-11:30PM, plus special events
- Wash/wax 2nd floor once a quarter, takes 2 hours
- If you have special hunting/fishing/outdoor knowledge, volunteer to run a class
- Help with 2025 member gate key exchange program, signup with membership secretary
Work on your own or get a group of friends together – club pays for materials
Updated December 5th
Inside Clubhouse
- empty kitchen grease trap, work with kitchen manager
- install rubber baseboards for 1st floor bar/meeting areas
- paint/refresh 2nd floor interior doors
Outside Clubhouse
- brush- blade hillside by 2nd floor of club and BBQ pavilion
- clean gutters
- affix metal sheet to roof to protect 2nd floor clubhouse entrance
Grounds Around the Clubhouse
- cut and split firewood , stack firewood at the fireplace and bust stop
- blow back any tree leaves into woods
Projects for the ranges and service roads
3D and lawn archery target storage – contact archery chair- take empty propane tanks to get filled
- get rock salt/snow melt for 1st and 2nd floor entrances, plus salt container for 1st floor
ATV mule PM, oil, oil and air filter, sparkplug, replace battery- pull cattails out of pond edges
- anytime – rifle and pistol range, replace damaged target screens, range/sift brass