Learn Pheasant Taxidermy at Norco – if Interested,
Please Respond by November 17th
Class will take place at Norco on 2 weekend days between December thru February. Students and instructors will decide in November their best dates to meet for the class, typically held on either a Saturday or Sunday.
Cost is $45.00; Taxidermist is Curt De Villers – Spinney Hills Taxidermy, a home-based taxidermist who lives in Sterling. The class fee goes 100% to a mounting kit and supplies. The taxidermist is volunteering his time and Norco hosting the work-space.
Pheasant to be mounted can be one you harvest or one a family member/friend shares with you in the season…you need to have a pheasant to do the program. Harvested pheasant is not field-dressed – it is frozen the day it is harvested. Taxidermist can pick-up your pheasant on a Saturday at Norco. Taxidermist will properly freeze to ensure feathers are not damaged.
Taxidermy Class requires 2 full days, 8 hours each day. Class takes patience working with a scalpel. Birds are thawed ahead of the class. Class Session 1 is removing the skin/feathers from the pheasant and treating it. Session 2 is putting the skin/feathers on a form and a mount. At the end of Session 2, the student takes the mounted bird home. Once at home, the bird will need another 6-8 weeks to be fully dried. The taxidermist can work with students 1×1 or give guidance after the Second Session Class if the bird needs any fine detail touch-up or to further enhance the mount with additional materials. Once you learn the technique, one can progress onto other birds. One student progressed to mounting a wood duck and a Canadian goose.
Each class is limited to 12 participants. In 2018/2019, we held 2 classes The class is open to adult and youth hunters. If you are a youth hunter 12-14 year of age, your parent will need to accompany you for both class sessions.
What you need to do by November 17th, if interested:
Please provide name, email, phone number to waynemadams@norco.club ; any questions go to Wayne. Payments will be on Class Session 1.
Visit the Norco website to see the 2017 and 2018 program class pictures.