Due to COVID changes have been made to enable remote learning for youth hunter education programs. Norco will run two half-day field day training sessions on April 17th. Each session will be capped at 15 students. Students must have completed Basic Hunter Ed and Part 1 turkey education online course.
Youth Turkey Hunt Program is for youth ages 12-17
All student registrations go through MA Wildlife. Seats are filled up on a first come, first serve basis. There are a number of pre-reqs the student will need to comply with including completing Basic Hunter Ed class, FID for those ages 15-17, and as part of the Youth Turkey Program, complete Part-1 online training.
https://www.mass.gov/guides/youth-turkey-hunt-program#-2021-youth-turkey-hunt-program- [ all the details are here on how to register, how to satisfy all the pre-requisites, etc]
If you have any questions about Norco’s participation , email youth-turkey@norco.club .
Norco will also help pair mentors with youth for the Youth Turkey Hunt day, April 24th.