Many projects have taken place over the recent months and the club thanks the many volunteers who make the time to make the club a fun place, a well maintained place, and a place where new and old members get to know each other. Following are a series of time cards and thanks for the Fall Pheasant Program, the Archery Target Storage Day, the Rifle/Pistol Range target rebuild day, the Fall Cleanup Day, the 22LR Turkey Shoot, the oil tank replacement project team. Many times, volunteers who have accumulated many hours don’t bother with timecards, however worth a shout-out include the volunteer bar tenders, the kitchen cooking and help each month for the members meetings, range barrel cleanup each week, clubhouse common surface sanitization each week, the trap and skeet committee, the youth pheasant program team, WCLSC delegates, the election committee, the bylaw committee, the finance committee, the elected officers, volunteers for the WCL raffle sales at events.
In addition to those members who volunteer their time, several members donated ammo this year to raise funds for the youth pheasant program. And members who have donated sporting gear such as the items in the recent dog owners training bundle raffle.