Jay J successful fall deer archery outing Comet Pond area
The tides of good luck and fortune have turned for Jay, after several decades of being skunked in the same hunting area.
The tides of good luck and fortune have turned for Jay, after several decades of being skunked in the same hunting area.
Norco Archery Committee Chair Britta Carlson thanks the volunteers who came out on May 21 to setup the elevated tree stand the ground level targets. Tree stand training will be held on June 10th. Volunteers included Kelly Dalbec (snapped the pictures), (l-r) Britta’s dog Zelda, Barry Hines, Kevin Hutchins, Britta …
The 2022 repeat of the 2021 program of come out shoot anything at any range for free, with loaned firearms, free ammo and clays will not be held due to lack of interest. Later in the day, the Steakout Program will be held as well as the raffle drawing for …
Norco shouts out a big thanks to Cabela’s of Hudson/Berlin MA for making a recent donation of 3D archery turkey targets and turkey decoys. Norco welcomes the equipment for our members and to support our education programs, such as the yearly youth turkey hunter ed program we partner with MA …
The Norco Archery Committee is raffling off 4 used practice butts and 1 slightly used compound bow case. Raffle tickets are $1 each. Buy as many tickets as you like. To order tickets, email Wayne@norco.club . Write checks to Norco and indicate archery raffle, mail to: 91 Houghton Road, Princeton, …
Kevin H was in the right place at the right time this season filling his fridge for the season. Kevin H helps on the club’s archery committee and gets an early jump on practicing as soon as the 3D and lawn targets are setout! Congrats to Kevin for his trifecta. …
Hard to tell in this picture, the deer is a button buck. No one ever forgets their first deer. Let the memories last for years. Lisa is appreciative for all the Norco hosted DFW hunter education training classes and the many Norco mentors giving encouragement and guidance along this journey. …
Norco Sportsman’s Club May 2020 updates on what is open, canceled, or postponed. Norco leadership continues to monitor state guidance for COVID-19, hold meetings via teleconference, pickup postal mail, respond to email inquiries and voicemails. Continued to be closed until further notice for May: 1) Bar, 2) clubhouse rentals, 3) member meeting …
Norco to host Young Guns on July 13th. Norco to host William Tell on May 18th Follow Program Updates on WCLSC Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/wclsc.org/ Program participants can participate at all scheduled events for free.